Blubuk Reservoir, located in Blubuk Hamlet, Sendangsari Village, Pengasih Sub-district, Kulon Progo Regency, is one of the reservoirs developed into a tourist attraction in the Sendangsari area. This reservoir, constructed in 2015 with a budget of approximately 4 billion rupiahs, is intended for irrigating the rice fields of three hamlets and creating new rice paddies around the Sendangsari area.

In early 2021, the youth organization (Karang Taruna) of Blubuk Hamlet took the initiative to create several photo spots around the Blubuk Reservoir to attract tourists. As the reservoir became increasingly popular, the idea to develop it into a new tourist destination emerged.
Development of facilities and interesting spots continued, starting with the addition of bamboo rafts (getek). A café named “Pojok Telogo” was established for visitors to enjoy coffee and traditional Kulon Progo dishes. A meeting room was made available for public use, and more selfie spots were added to attract tourists. Several huts made of wood and bamboo were also built for socializing.
Additionally, the management provided a prayer room (mushola), toilets, and a camping ground.
Despite the many facilities and attractive spots, there has been no policy from the management regarding parking fees or entrance tickets for the Blubuk Reservoir tourist site. This information about the Blubuk Reservoir tourist destination can be considered as a place to relax and unwind.